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#976 Ray Middleton Limericks About Ukuleles

Photo of Ray Middleton

Ray Middleton

In order to fight boredom during the COVID crisis, I suddenly had an inspiration to start writing limericks about ukuleles. I wrote one every week and I then put them online at tambala.com. And to hide my own name, my real name, I said they were all written by Lord Dynamite, which is an anagram of ‘Ray Middleton’.

And then a friend, who I showed the website to, was very interested and he started writing limericks about ukuleles, and they're on page two of the website. But now I don't think one has been written for a couple of months, so it's sort of fizzled out. But you never know, I might start it again.

I live with my partner called Hayley

Who just loves to play ukulele

It's better by far

Than any guitar

And she gives me a good plucking daily.