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#975 Ian Oldroyd Witnessed A Smash-And-Grab

Photo of Ian Oldroyd

Ian Oldroyd

About ten years or more ago now, I used to be at the ten-pin bowling big time, and I'd been bowling one evening at the Merrion Centre, middle of summer, and I finished about 9 o’clock, and I came out onto Wade Lane to get my bus. Behind the bus stop was Jessops camera shop, and I’m just stood at the bus stop, me and this kid, and I looked down the road and these two great big four-by-fours were just coming slowly down the road. I wasn’t taking a lot of notice, and then suddenly one of them did a sharp right turn and went bosh, straight into Jessops window!

I thought “What's going on here?” - and these four big lads jumped out, onto the bonnet, into the shop. The other one followed - it backed up behind, another four big lads got out, into the shop. They're all running out with a handful, and I'm stood there and I'm thinking…I got my phone out, and I looked at these big lads, and I put my phone away again! Anyway, the guy stood at the side of me must have phoned the cops up. And this was over in a couple of minutes - and then off they went!

And then what seemed like about 3 seconds later, the police turned up – where they came from I do not know. But, you know, they talk about fight or flight - I couldn't have done either, I was just rooted to the spot! I just couldn't believe what was going on. Never seen owt like that in my life, it was scary!