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#969 Susan Moore Good Old Days

Photo of Susan Moore

Susan Moore

Leeds was a brilliant place to be in the 60s and 70s. I used to meet my friends Mary, Christine and Christine for a night out in Leeds. We would first go to Yates Wine Lodge which was on Bond Street at the time. We used to buy bottles of cider for 7d in old money - 3 and a half pence today. It was a scruffy pub with sawdust on the floor.

We would then go to my favourite pub the Piccadilly bar, which belonged to the City Varieties. We saw quite a few famous faces in there. Then onto the Phonograph in the Merrion Centre where we danced the night away to ‘Groovin’ with Mr. Bloe’ and Mungo Jerry. This was the Summer of 1970. These were the good old days.