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#961 Chrissie Weston The Rats Can Just Move In

Chrissie Weston

I am trying to move into a bungalow in Otley at the moment. If that happened, I would finally feel like I could travel again. It does not feel easy to leave my caravan, there’s things you have to think about like if you’re away for a long time rats can just move in. If I get the bungalow in Otley I’ll be near really good friends, some friends that used to live here in a caravan as well, and it might be easier to maintain a small garden ( my garden now is around the caravan in the field).

I have been trying for a while now to get on the priority housing list and that has been incredibly difficult. I was advised in the library you just have to ring over and over and over again so today I tried to do that. I tried four times and no matter what number you try you get a menu and but you never get to speak to anybody. No matter how hard you try there is just no one there to help, the auto system always says to go online, and it feels hopeless, like they have put a brick wall up which says just bugger off.

In our library in Otley often the computers are down. In our library in Otley the computers are ancient.

I am going to keep thinking positively that I will get a move and someone will come to see me here and do an assessment and I will get a bungalow in Otley.


The speaker is trying to move into a bungalow in Otley to be closer to friends, but getting on the priority housing list has been difficult due to an unresponsive system and outdated technology at the local library.