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#960 Chrissie Weston Cold Baths Under The Stars

Chrissie Weston

I have a bath outside of the caravan and I have a cold bath every day all through the year. I have a bucket outside that I use for washing my clothes. Eventually my neighbour fixed a pipe to the water system where there is a tap in the corner of the field and he attached the hose so I have some running water outside but for the first years I had three water butts and I collected rainwater

Rainwater is really nice and soft but you have to have a lid on the water butt so that mosquitoes do not lay eggs inside the water.

To be able to have a cold bath I use the Wim Hof technique, so before I get up I lay down and do deep breathing Wim Hof style. I use a technique where you do three rounds and you breath in deeply through the nose and then out through your mouth 30 times and then you repeat that two more times. This helps you feel really energised which is important before you go into a cold bath or a cold shower. I have Reynards disease in my hands and feet and in the last three years this has massively improved.

To get into this technique I started by putting my feet or hands in cold ice water , so if you want to get started you can put some ice in a bowl and you do the breathing and then you put your hands or feet in.

You can also use a pain release technique also from Wim Hof where you breathe in really fully and then out and you do that 21 times and you fully exhale. it makes your body tingle, it helps pain relief because you push all the oxygen and all of your thoughts towards the point of pain and you can hold your breath and count to 10 and it sends lots of oxygen and healing energy into that point . Another thing is to make sure that you don’t eat three hours before you get in the cold bath. I find when I first get in I do 20 to 25 breaths and then I calm down and then I can relax and look around and watch the trees or the stars of the moon. I tend to have the cold baths in the evening most of the time.

Lately I have found it helpful to keep my hat on. You can do all of this in a house, it does help if you have a good shower. The advantages of doing this is that you feel so much more clear minded and really resilient and it brings you into the here and now, there is nowhere else you can be, so you have to be here - you just cannot be anywhere else.


The speaker takes a cold bath every day using the Wim Hof breathing technique and collects rainwater for washing clothes, and shares pain relief techniques and advantages of cold baths.