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#959 Jill Springham You Are Not Too Old

Jill Springham

I didn't have the opportunity to dance at a young age as at five I began to wear glasses and my dance teacher would not allow me to continue. At the age of forty, I found a tap dance class near me and never looked back.

I am seventy-six and have been dancing ever since. I have danced tap, flamenco, and belly dance mainly, but I’ve also tried jive, salsa, musical theatre, pop video, Bollywood, and disco.

Dance has changed my life. I dance most days of the week. It is good for your mental health and a sense of creativity, exercise, and also companionship. Dance helps to keep you young and I would recommend it to everyone.

In January, I performed at the opening of Leeds 2023 at Headingley stadium. So I want to say to anyone 50+ wanting to dance - you are not too old. Take every opportunity that comes your way and go for it!


Jill uses personal experience to urge older people not to be bound by age and not to be afraid to try dancing.