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#957 Lizzie Reflections on Aging and Beauty

Photo of Lizzie


As I've got older I just can't do time! There's only one clock in my house and I don't wear a watch. I've realised time just doesn't matter. And I don't do worry or anxiety! As I've got older I feel more calm

When I was younger, especially some of my time as a single mum with 5 kids, I went through some very dark times. I just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I couldn't see any way out of the darkness. I wrote some really dark poetry at those times.

When you're younger beauty is visual, the way you see beauty is in how people look. Now its all changed- beauty is beneath the skin, it's in the eyes, behind the eyes where you can see the life force, life energy. You can see stories behind people's eyes.

The way I grew up, on the streets, not much material stuff, you grow up never showing your emotions because that means you're vulnerable and you're already vulnerable so you don't want to be even more vulnerable, so you hide your emotions.

My ideal way we could all age well: I'd like it to be like some places in India where you live in proper houses but live communally, with help and support, and you look after each other. There's always companionship. People would share their skills, their talents, like crochet, baking, cooking, we'd have our own economy and ways of making money. People would share the load, and younger people would live with us too

It takes a village to raise a child but really it takes a village lifestyle for any of us to live well- we can all help each other

I'd like to see a craft market where older Leeds citizens can have a free stall, a chance to sell our wares. I'd like to see a clothes exchange, where however many clothes you bring to swap, that's how many you can take away. We'd all come home with an amazing wardrobe for free, and declutter too.


The speaker reflects on aging and the changing meaning of beauty, shares her experiences of going through difficult times, and envisions a communal lifestyle where people support and look after each other.