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#940 Anonymous About Cinemas


There were lots of cinemas in the area back then. ( LS8&9) There was the Shaftesbury, one on York Road where the care home is now, one on Roundhay Road in Harehills.

In the 60s I used to go to the one on Roundhay Road where the Kentucky is, and to one where the driving centre is now in Harehills. But some got knocked down. There was even one called the Harehills Cinema. It was a popular thing to do, back in the day especially the Saturday afternoon matinee when we were kids. Flash Gordon was one I remember, it cost us sixpence, unless there are quite a few of you and then one paid to go in and opened the back doors and let everybody else in. What sort of rates do they have at the cinema now? It’s years since I’ve been to the cinema.

To be honest, since we’ve had that lockdown I’ve watched a lot more TV than I used to. I always used to go out rather than stay in. They seem to be making movies all the time, and I wonder who watches them? And how do the cinemas cope if there’s so many channels with so many films on?