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#930 Jackie Griffiths Health

Jackie Griffiths

What happens ​as​ you get older is you t​end​ to put on a bit of weight especially around middle age. And it’s quite hard to get rid of it so the thing to do is to exercise. So I do something called interval training so if you’re in the park you walk for a bit and then run for a bit if you’re able to so​-​ you keep doing that you walk a bit you run a bit and that sets off your metabolism on a different path.

A long time ago back in the 80s I met some people who introduced me to macrobiotics. This is a brown rice diet with lots and lots of vegetables and seaweed. Nori is a good one. I do eat a little bit of meat and fish each week but lots of whole foods and lots of grain​,​ lentils​ and w​holemeal bread.

I’m in good health and I’m not in pain and I think that is a major one really​.​ Even when I had cancer I was only in pain for a few days believe it or not. I have to say that I did go private because the waiting list when I was diagnosed was at least a few months. But I felt I just couldn’t wait that long. So I went private and I believe that was the best thing I did and probably save​d​ my life.


Healthy eating gives me a sense of security, and making quick decisions is the key to self-salvation.