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#928 Smita Tanna Births of my sons

Smita Tanna

A standout memory for me is the birth of my sons. ​ Intere​s​tingly they were both born on the 14th of the month one in January and one in April. It was snowing on both the days that they were born. I ha​d​ both of them at home I always knew I wanted to do that and it was incredible​.​ ​W​ith the first one the midwife arrive​d​ five minutes before my son threw himself out of me. But the second one the midwife arrived half an hour before that son threw himself out of me and was there to catch him. I always knew I’d have them at home. In my mind you only go to hospital if you were ill and having a baby isn’t being ill​. ​ I only think people need to go to hospital if they’re uncomfortable with the idea of giving birth. Or if you’re vulnerable in any way but I felt my mum had had 11 children and ​I am ​one of 11. I wouldn’t have let anybody stop me. You’re bringing a new life into the world and for me you need to be at home to create that feeling of welcoming them into a home.


The speaker shares that a standout memory for her is the birth of her two sons, who were both born at home on the 14th of the month in snowy conditions, and she believes that giving birth at home creates a feeling of welcoming the new life into the home.