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#927 Smita Tanna Life as a healer

Smita Tanna

My j​ourney ​ ​a​s a healer started when I was 21​/​22 and I was living in a s​quat​ in London and I met these two women that were doing massage and they invited me to join them. I was a shy little thing back then and the idea of going into a room and taking my clothes off wasn’t the sort of thing that I thought I could do. They were both really comfortable in ​their​ skin so I got into it. And then one of them mentioned aromatherapy and it was as if a lightbulb went on in my head. On the very next day I was going to a Buddhist Centre where there was an event happening . There was a woman there Patricia she was a big name in aromatherapy and we left the event together at the same time when we got on the train together and we were chatting. She said what do you want to do with your life and I said I don’t know​.​ ​she was a ​ teacher ​of ​aromatherapy ​and said ​why don’t you come and study with me. So I did quite a lot of​ study with her ​ but it was a little too straight and narrow and I needed something more open so then I started to find other teachers as well. Names. These teachers ​practised​ a variety of healing and massage techniques. Yoga​ & yoga healing. Holistic massage. Herbs. ​John ​use​d​ me as a ​practise ​body because by then I ha​d​ no shyness at all.

We all supported each other in the most dynamic way to become​ ​who we really were​-​ which is healers


The speaker's journey as a healer began when she met two women doing massage in a squat in London and later became interested in aromatherapy after meeting a renowned teacher at a Buddhist Centre, eventually studying with her and other teachers of healing and massage techniques to become a healer.