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#926 Smita Tanna Letting go of my Home

Smita Tanna

So I’m here in Leeds selling my flat but also visiting my family and my big network of friends​.​ I’ve got to celebrate my 64th birthday here and everybody spoilt me rotten. Life over 60 is pretty good.

So one of the things that matters to me now is being kind to people; so for example my neighbour downstairs is very picky, she cannot stand any noise even though we’re really considerate, but I choose to react as kindly as possible.

Coming back here to clear my flat has actually changed me​ again. ​I left the flat two years ago​.​ I rented it out to someone who left a real mess and in a way it’s been a blessing because it’s been beneficial to come back and really clear it. I didn’t realise how much I needed to do a letting go. This is my home. The healing that I’m receiving whilst I’m here clearing out is incredible​.​ I’ve been eating really well​,​ I’ve been really looking after me. Often​ I’m looking after others​ - my son​s,​ my husband ​- ​this has been time to really look after me. It’s been so lovely to invite my friends round and be really available for them and therefore really available to myself. We don’t have a TV and there’s no Wi-Fi here so I’ve been reading books​,​ visiting friends​,​ going to really interesting groups in the neighbourhood in Chapeltown​,​ going to courses​.​ ​I​t’s really reconnecting with me​,​ not just as a wife but as a woman.


I want to say something sincerely, life over 60 years old is really good, quite good! ! Especially for my 64th birthday, I was totally spoiled by everyone.Of course, even then, I'd still sell that horrible noise flat.