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#925 Deolinda Macdonald Braid and sister

Deolinda Macdonald

My new hobbies are knitting and crochet. I come to the library to kill time and I join in the knitting group, otherwise there would be nothing to do. My daughter suggested I come here, that’s how I found the group and I am trying to learn a new skill. I think I was slow to knit because my older sister Maria who taught me she just used to say give it to me it’s easier if I do it than teach you, so now it’s something that I struggle to do for myself.

I also like to do embroidery which I learnt from my sister Maria. I don’t know anything about modern life or how to follow the patterns. I can copy something if it’s already been made.

My older sister Maria is in her 90s. She lives in Ireland with my younger sister Rosa. I think Rosa really wants to come and live with me which is why she complains so much but I want her to look after as my older sister Maria, who was really like my mother when our dad passed away, she helped bring us up so I don’t want to invite my sister to live with us. She wants me to, so we clash and because of this I have changed my feelings for her a little bit because of her complaining. But I’ve always been close to my sisters who are in Ireland. I visit them a lot.


Is the process of knitting just passing the time? It is an opportunity to reflect and reflect on the past.