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#905 Ken Looking Up At The Stars


I am a member of the Leeds Astronomical Society, a stargazing society, since 2011.

We were out the other night on Soldiers Field at Roundhay Park. Four of us - we were looking at the moon and trying to find different stars. I have a telescope that is new to me, it’s a small one and I have it because of this woman whose husband died - she didn’t want it, so she give it to me.

We have formal meetings where we get a guest speaker in to talk about their subject, then on the fourth Wednesday it’s like a free for all, where different members will speak for 10 or 15 minutes on whatever subject they want, as long as it’s to do with stargazing.

Everybody looks up at the sky and wonders what’s up there. I’ve always been interested. Never had a telescope until I retired. You can get some good views out of it.

The most exciting thing I’ve seen is the Northern Lights in Iceland. That was a good vision. My daughter bought the trip as a birthday present.