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#89 Margaret Bending Evaporate in the Summer Sun

Margaret Bending

Loneliness. Emptiness. Nine weeks of lockdown, and yet today is the day I feel most isolated. I hear of a visit to see a daughter and grandchild, at a safe distance, of course; a sharing of coffee and croissants, sitting in the garden at least two metres apart; many small things as restrictions are eased, oh, so slightly. Yet I have nowhere to go, no-one to visit. Not lonely as such, but acutely aware of the bubble I’m living in. And what about the people that are alone? The old people who live solitary lives, and have been deeply touched by the small gestures of kindness we have heard about over the last few weeks. Will they be forgotten now as people start to pick up the threads of their previous lives? Will their loneliness be even deeper in the future, having been touched by compassion, and then having it evaporate in the summer sun?


From the beginning of May 2020, the UK government began easing the restrictions around lockdown, and people began cautiously opening their doors and venturing back out onto the streets and into open spaces. There was still much confusion about how safe it was to do this, with wildly differing views from both government spokespeople, the scientists – and the people themselves. In some ways, this was a more stressful time than the previous lockdown. In the following extracts, company members reflect on these changing days, with 31 days recorded, spanning May and June. Edited by Barney Bardsley