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#877 Hilda Do What You Love


I changed schools at age 10 and got the train to school in War time at 7:13am. The train home was at 5:30pm if it wasn’t delayed by bombing. I moved closer to the school after the War, all in the Kendal/Penrith area.

I worked with some very nice people at Social Services. It was very interesting. I was on counter duty one lunchtime and one visitor said “Do you know who I am?”. We saw all sorts – people who thought they were better than the rest and often ones were down and out, all looking for help with their living costs.

I treasured my time at Social Services because of the wide range of people I met. Some could be rude and bad mannered but really in need and we had to listen to everyone equally. A great cross selection of life, but don't worry, there was also a lot of boring old work to do sitting at a boring old desk, filling out paperwork. Lots of contrasts of people really in need and some just taking advantage of the system.

I also worked in the very north of Scotland in Aberdeen as a teacher of Sociology. I also taught at University. I really loved working and living there.