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#859 Arshad From Cold Arrival to Happy Life


I came to Leeds in 1966. From Karachi. I came by myself but I was married and my husband was already here. It was January. It was very cold! I lived with my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They went to work in the morning and I sat by the coal fire. I could use it to make hot water. Most of peoples at that time had toilet outside. We moved to Grange View. Our house had inside toilet and shower.

I could speak very little English. But I found people very kind. Very helpful. I first got a job in a clothing factory, as a machinist. I was making suits. I enjoyed it. Then I learnt English at Park Lane College in night classes. So then I got a job at Hill Crest School as a dinner lady. Also to supervise the children in the yard. I then got a job at Bankside School as a special needs assistant. I could help children who didn’t speak English very well as I spoke their language. And I could help in Urdu lessons. I also worked at City of Leeds and Parklands Girls school. Then I worked at a Day Centre as a care assistant. And at St. James Hospital. I also had 9 children. I had a busy life!

I lost one child. He was four years old. Now I have 4 children married, with two sons and one daughter at home. They have good jobs. One is a schoolteacher. One is a social worker. Another works for the Post Office. I have 8 grandchildren.

I’ve been back to Pakistan many times. The last time was 2011. One thing I miss is not having more education. I’d like to read and write better. Stories and letters. But life has been good here.


A woman from Karachi came to Leeds in 1966 and despite facing language barriers, found kind people and worked a variety of jobs, raising 9 children and facing personal tragedy along the way, but ultimately feels grateful for her life in Leeds.