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#858 Hamida British Memories of Pakistani Women


I came to England in 1974. Nice people! First thing I like is, when traffic going, no sound! In Pakistan so much noise from cars. Peep peep peep! In England much quieter. Also I like the queue when you go to bus. In Pakistan the strong people push you out of the way.

We had an English neighbour. We looked after her and our children called her Mum. When she died in her will she left us a sofa. As we didn’t need it we gave it to charity.

My husband and I ran a shop for 27 years. English vegetables, off licence and newspapers. But when they blocked the end of the road we lost the passing trade. It was difficult to pay off the mortgage. And then my husband had a heart attack so we closed the shop.

My children are all educated. My son is a policeman and my daughter is a doctor. And I have grandchildren in the flat below mine. I am happy.


The woman appreciates the peace and quiet of England, the orderly queues at bus stops, and the kindness of her English neighbors. She and her husband ran a shop for 27 years but had to close it after losing passing trade and her husband having a heart attack.