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#831 Stella and Josie Two Friends Visit Parliament with their MP

Stella and Josie

Josie: Our MP George Mudie invited us down to Parliament. We had a brilliant day

Stella: Despite Josie not wanting to go on the tube so we had to take a bus and ended up walking the last bit.

Josie: I’m not going in the bowels of the earth!

Stella: We went to the Houses of Parliament, to the Commons, the Lords and then number 10 where we met Gordon Brown. We said to George he didn’t need to come with us to the station. But he said “I’m coming with you. I don’t want to be accused of losing two grannies!”

On the way back we were ringing all the family and when we got to Leeds this bloke comes up to us and says: “You’ve had a lovely day haven’t you? And that duck you had for lunch were beautiful...!”

The thing about being this age is everyone’s going. The people we’ve lost. But I’ve enjoyed my life. I’ve been lucky.

Josie: Same here


Two friends, Josie and Stella, were invited by their MP George Mudie to visit Parliament, where they had a great time touring the Houses of Commons and Lords, meeting Gordon Brown, and enjoying a lovely lunch; despite Josie's reluctance to take the tube and opting to walk the last bit, they had a memorable day and returned home happy.