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#819 Colin Whittaker Impersonating Animals in Northern Thailand

Colin Whittaker

This is another story connected to my involvement in Martial Arts. I was travelling in Northern Thailand, it wasn’t a tourist area, it was close to the Myanmar border. I was there with my friend Bob and we hired a motorbike. They drive on the left there. Got on the bike, turned the accelerator on and the bike shot away and Bob is sat on the floor. So we got back on set off and after a while stopped off at a cafe. We looked at the menu and it said in German Bier - so I went in and asked for two beers. I then asked for food in English - can we have chicken and rice. I said rice in Thai but for chicken I flapped my arms and made chicken noises. The server said no. So I grunted like a pig and she said yes.

I heard her in the kitchen telling the kitchen staff what I’d done, making the noises I’d made. When the food came out there was so much, loads of it and it was marvellous. We ate the food and had a good laugh with the staff. It was a tiny price so we gave them a tip and she said no change and I gestured that we didn’t want change.

When we left and got on the bike the kitchen staff came and waved us off.


During a trip to Northern Thailand, the author and a friend hired a motorbike, stopped at a cafe, struggled to order food due to language barriers, but eventually got served a large and delicious meal, and left with a fond farewell from the kitchen staff.