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#812 Tom Murray Buckingham Palace

Tom Murray

When I was Mayor in 2013/14, rather than having a job description, what I did is I kept a diary of events. So looking back all I have to do is just open it up and I can tell you what I was doing on a particular day. I was elected on the 20th of May and going chronologically on the 22nd of May, I'm actually in London and I'm having afternoon tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Along with about 4,000 others.

It was one of those summer parties. The thing was when I was leaving the palace, and I'm outside and I was still wearing the Lord Mayor’s chain. This chain is huge, solid gold about a kilogram of gold, very noticeable and this tourist came up to me, a Japanese tourist, female, I don’t know who she thought I was, but she said she’d like a photograph with me and asked if I would do that? And I thought yeah and I had a photograph taken with her. But what I hadn’t realised is that she was with a bus load of other people who also all wanted a photograph with me. 

An hour later I managed to get in the car and head back to Leeds.
