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#811 Annie Kochmann The Church and The Synagogue

Photo of Annie Kochmann
They said they wanted us to have the experience of knowing about both Catholic life and Jewish life. So we used to go to the church and the synagogue.

Annie Kochmann

My adoptive parents, my mum, she was Catholic and Argentinian. And my dad was Jewish and he escaped from Auschwitz. And my uncle and my grandad survived but my aunties and my grandma were killed.

They said they wanted us to have the experience of knowing about both Catholic life and Jewish life. So we used to go to the church and the synagogue. And they said when you get older you choose. My dad died when I was seven from a brain tumour. When we were older my mum asked us which we wanted to be and we said ‘None of them!’. And she said ‘What?! After all these years taking you to both?’ And we said ‘Well that was your choice not ours.’

But then my brother came to England to stay with a friend and then he became a priest. And three years later I said to my mum that I was going to go to England for three or four weeks to see Robbie because I missed him. Well I was here for three or four years before I went back to see her! And when I told her that I had also become a Christian she didn’t know what to think!

I have always worked with children with Down Syndrome and autism.


Annie’s parents encouraged her to chose her own spiritual path.