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#796 David More intergenerational contact

Photo of David
I think there needs to be much more intergenerational contact and that breaks down these barriers and builds understanding.


I do think the language often used to describe people who are retired can be really gross and appalling, and really discriminates against people. I think a lot of it is born of ignorance, and older generations and younger generations just don’t mix together now as much as they did in the past, so people get entrenched in their age groups.

I think there needs to be much more intergenerational contact and that breaks down these barriers and builds understanding. So people realise what each other are experiencing. There is so much to learn from each other, and I’m not saying that one group has all the wisdom, but you can see in the interactions different assumptions that are made about older people

For example there's is an assumption that older people wouldn't be capable, or they won’t be interested in all sorts of things, and these are very wrong assumptions. I just don’t think people get enough chance to mix generationally outside of their families.