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#795 David Retire life

Photo of David
I think there’s a lot of things going on and people can take part in many things, like volunteering.


In terms of life for people in Leeds once we retire, I think there’s a lot of things going on and people can take part in many things, like volunteering.

For me personally I didn’t realise how involved I was going to get with my family and childcare. Since I’ve retired I’ve had the chance to really get to know my grandchildren, and I see many older people around me really involved with theirs. It’s like it’s a second opportunity to bring up kids, but this time at a much more relaxed pace, and that’s a very rich, exciting, great fun experience

You get used to seeing your own children struggling with the pressures that come with being a parent when you have to struggle to make ends meet. The fact you can help gives so much pleasure and satisfaction. It’s a really two-way thing because I feel really appreciated, I get to spend amazing time with my grandchildren, and I get to give back. I realise not everyone can enjoy that position, some people have family spread all across the UK, all across the world. I'm lucky that mine live really close to Leeds. For me this is really enriching.