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#745 Win Passing my driving test


I passed my driving test at 56. It took me six times to pass. I took five tests in Leeds and every time it got to that hill stop I was panicking before we got there. Then we moved to York and the first time I did it there the examiner got the paperwork out at the end and I said, “oh that’s a different paper to what they have in Leeds” and he said “yes that’s because you’ve passed.” I said you what!? Didn’t you see me hit the curb? And he said yes, but you knew you did it and that is all that matters. And I come home and I said “don’t tell your dad” and then I complained because nobody sent me a congratulations on passing your driving test.

When again I parted with a car 85 doing a friend a favour the boat the car very cheap grandson and He's highly delighted with it Nick captured for years as well in the shower is changing but you missed having the car I do not having the freedom of jum


Experience of passing their driving test on the sixth attempt at the age of 56.