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#740 Fred Memory


Sometimes I can do it easily you know, and then all of a sudden up here, somewhere, if I'm talking to somebody, sometimes I can’t, you know, I can't say - a bit like - being unconscious from COVID, I’ve gone along like this. My wife was a senior sister and I don’t know what I’d have done without her. Sometimes I get told off, being a nursing sister, she tells me off, which I don’t mind anyway because we’ve been together for over 50 years. Sometimes I’m alright then all of a sudden it’s gone. And that annoys me. I’m used to it now but I still get a bit annoyed, but I can’t do anything about it.

I started going down to Wortley and going on walking trips. It’s been great that, some right characters, mostly men. We go all over the place. We’ve walked more or less all over Leeds.


Reflects on their struggle with memory loss, particularly during conversations.