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#711 Hunter Smith Age of Discovery

Hunter Smith

When I started running groups around you’d go into an environment where there were a lot of different people. Different to what i thought I was at the time. I found that really exciting. And that drove me on to do other things. You met some great interesting people. I’m not saying they were all really, really good people in some ways… They might do naughty things and things like that but I found that quite exciting. I’d led what i suppose was a pretty normal sheltered childhood and teenager years. I’d not actually come across all this. So that scene did quite excite me at the time. Yeah.

The band would be playing at a big hall in, say, Huddersfield and there’d be multiple bands on. Swinging Blue Jeans, The Mojos, all the beat groups, as they called them at the time. Not the Beatles but a lot of interesting people. And of course you suddenly started this age of discovery. Victor Brox Blues Band, John Mayall’s Blues Breakers, and very early Fairport Convention. You’d see these bands in places you would never see them now. And I found that amazingly exciting.


There are always many surprises in life, and different environments will bring new opportunities.