We need to get more young people back into the church, with faith and hope.
Where young people used to be involved in youth work and doing different activities, you don’t have much of that now. We need to get more young people back into the church, with faith and hope. Much of the young people now are not inside of the church.
I think at one time there was lots of activities that were going on. Some churches we are planning on doing stuff for young people. But I think a lot of that is missing because there’s no hope, there is no faith, there’s no nothing, but I think if young people have a bit of faith sometimes it helps them to be on the right path. But now there is no fear. no fear of God, no fear of anything.
Getting them back into the church, getting intergenerational and have grandparents who can be parents to some of them, who haven’t got good parents, who they can believe in, Or for some who haven’t got fathers. I think sometimes there is basic ground work in the church that would give them a bit of faith.
The elders can take on a young person and instil some of the mannerisms, the old fashion kind of style upbringing, I think they are good role models to look at, almost like a foster grandparent, someone outside of your own family you can go and talk to and see it from a different perspective, that would be good. Young people would find much love, understanding and wisdom from intergenerational mixing.
I think to involve more older people, the intergenerational, they have got something to offer and young people have also got something to offer so each one, teach one, they learn from one another so they can help one another so they can give them a bit of what is missing. And the young ones can bring the older ones up to date. But mixing together and it keeps the older ones young as well because it gives them focus.