the valve at top kept blowing off
Walt Starkey
There was the time when I broke down in Turkey and the compressor, which keeps the air built up, the valve at top kept blowing off and I could not… I’d stripped it, rebuilt it. Stripped it, rebuilt it. And it just would not stop blowing off. So consequently I couldn’t move. So a policeman stopped and I started the engine and explained what the problem was. Mechanic. And all the mechanic did was inside the valve was a spring, which, when it’s working, it pushes the ball bearing up into the valve and stops it. All he did was take the spring out, stretch it, and it worked. And I thought ‘I’ve spent several hours stripping it down and cleaning all the bits and pieces and I just thought… Well i can’t say what I thought! But I thought ‘Dear oh dear! I’m in the wrong job here!’