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#608 Jeremy Stonehouse Wet and Wild

Jeremy Stonehouse

It’s 1996 and working for the Halifax (formerly The Leeds Permanent Building Society) at Lovell Park, we’d all been invited to a big celebration for the IT Department to be held at the Royal Armouries.

The dress code was suit and tie for the gentlemen and a colleague of ours (let’s call him Bob for now) had to buy one as he usually came to work more casually dressed. He cheekily had planned to return it for a full refund after the event.

We all had great fun on the night - perhaps imbibing a little too much. The evening went by quite quickly and soon it was time to wend our wobbly way home. As our group was walking back to the town centre through the docks, Bob thought for fun, that he would jump on to a barge moored nearby. He leapt from the quayside but didn’t make it on the barge, slipping down between the dock and boat. We rushed to his aid and retrieved a very wet looking gentleman from the water.

Once we had composed ourselves, our fears turned to laughter at a very drenched figure, forlornly making his way to the taxi rank. Needless to say, he didn’t get a refund on the suit!


It’s 1996 and working for the Halifax (formerly The Leeds Permanent Building Society) at Lovell Park, we’d all been invited to a big celebration for the IT Department to be held at the Royal Armouries.