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#607 David Boutle Armley Common Right Trust

David Boutle

I’d been a member of Armley Common Right Trust and people knew they wanted a change of Chair and someone asked me to stand. At the vote the both of us, me and the Chair at the time who’d been in post for years, went out of the room to wait. Somebody nominated me, and somebody nominated him.

He was the kind of man that would ring you at the drop of hat and expect you to come and join him down in a park somewhere.

And when we come back out of fairly shortly after we were told - We've had the results, and I'm glad got to say, David, you got the thing.

I'm sure he wasn't happy that day. I didn't keep my eyes on him, I didn’t want to seem to be gloating.

The charity has no base so our home became the base. I had to step down in the end. It’s no good me going to the death and somebody else having to pick it up.