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#601 Robert Millson Life on a Turkey Farm

Photo of Robert Millson
I was living on a turkey farm in a caravan that I bought from an old caravan site, when they were getting rid of these old caravans.

Robert Millson

I was living on a turkey farm in a caravan that I bought from an old caravan site, when they were getting rid of these old caravans. So paid about 30 quid for it and we brought it back on the back of me brothers Ford Cortina Mark Three but it didn't fit on the ball properly, so when went over a humpback bridge, it fell off. We had to push it back over the bridge much to the upset of everybody else.

Then when I got settle in and lived in it, I had no electric, no water and I lived in it for four and a half years. At that time in my life I was always getting drunk, so me Mam got really concerned. She lived at Bridlington. She used to come and see me once, maybe twice a year. And this particular time, I was in pub when she come. And someone said, there's a load of smoke over the farm where you live. I said Oh right. I staggered home drunk and I got there the caravan were burnt up. My mum had set it alight. because she was worried about me safety. So I moved back to Bridlington with her.