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#598 Robert Millson Neighbours

Robert Millson

Johnny and Nellie Bell used to live next door. They often argued, Mam was telling me of a time when she was banging against the bedroom wall next door and screaming Mary Mary he’s drunk as a lord and randy as a rabbit. Mam eventually banged on the wall and told Nelly to let him have his way and then we can all get some sleep otherwise I'll be round with a poker and flatten the pair of you. Then it all went quiet.

We shared a toilet with Johnny and Nellie. There were four houses that shared a toilet. We were all back to back - one up one down. We all shared the same bedroom mom and dad in the bed and me and my sister in bunk beds. And then a bucket for when you wanted so we didn't have to go outside. But I had to always empty it of a morning and I’d have to wait for Johnny Bell to get out and if it was freezing the toilet was frozen, so Johnny Bell had left whatever.