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#595 Aulson Memories from a Theatre Bar


I still work at the Grand, but years ago, when I was working in the bar we used to take interval drinks in to the auditorium. Now, when patrons come to the theatre they can order interval drinks at the time they enter or they can book them online, but years ago they’d come in book their interval orders and we used to have to take them to the seats.

Tea and coffee was always served in the boxes. You had a towel around your arm, tea and coffee cups, sugar, little pots of milk and then after the performance you’d have to go into the box and clear it all out. A form of silver service. Sometimes we’d take it five minutes before the end of the first half, to make sure they had enough time to drink their hot drinks. Which also meant you could clear them out early. It doesn’t happen now.


The story reflects on the changes in the theatre industry over time.