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#592 Marg Greenwood The Mystery of the Squirrel Hoard in the Car Engine

Marg Greenwood

Just before Christmas I had something wrong with my car. I took it to the garage and got a phone call to say pick it up at 4 o’clock. And when I turned up he said I found something in your engine underneath the motor of the windscreen wipers.

I live in a house where there is a quince hedge so I recognised the fruit that was there. They are like an orange. He called it a squirrel hoard.

However, other people when I’ve told them the story, they think its a rat. Or rats!

I share my hedge with a next door neighbour and sent him a picture via whats’app to show him. He got back to me to say not only had they got a store in their car, but their son who had come up from London for five days only, had a acquired a store of quinces as well!


The story is about a person who took their car to a garage for repairs just before Christmas. When they picked up the car, the mechanic informed them that they found something in the engine, underneath the windscreen wipers.