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#572 Maureen Brook Bonfire Night

Maureen Brook

My memories of Bonfire Night, starting with Mischief Night and the things that we used to get up to, like mixing sticky concoctions to wipe on people's doorknobs, and tying rope from dustbin lids to front doors, knocking on the door, running away, they opened the door and the dustbin lid flies off!

Then going chumping - looking for wood and anything that you could burn for the bonfire. And we had a bonfire in the street, which was a cobbled street, and all the mothers used to make parkin or treacle toffee. And we had potatoes on the bonfire, and had to remember to take them off the bonfire before they just went up in flames!

We had the bonfire and we had a shop on the side of the road where the bonfire was, and one year the fire got really fierce and cracked the whole shop window.

And we'd always have somebody’s old settee, where you would sit on the settee until the end of the night, and then the settee would go on the bonfire…without the people who were sitting on it going on the bonfire as well!

So yes, happy memories.