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#560 Dorothy Ford Dorothy's Life

Dorothy Ford

Dorothy was born on Leeds in 1931, the eldest of 6.

At 7 years old Dorothy joined the Brownies moving to the Guides at 11 years old. At 12 years old Dorothy joined the Church youth club.

When Dorothy was too old to attend the Guides she then became an assistant leader for them, Dorothy states “you were too old for guides and too young to be a leader but you could be useful as a senior assistant”. At 18 years old Dorothy became a youth assistant leader, you couldn’t become a leader until the age of 21, you were not classed as capable until you were 21.

At 21 the youth club was more on the scene and so were the boys!! Dorothy met Ken in her early teens but they tended to stay in their own groups, boys and girls, Dorothy was advised not to mix with the opposite sex.

Dorothy was introduced to Ken by another party, Ken went into the forces and they used to write to each other, Dorothy still has Ken’s first letter. Dorothy’s parents announced their engagement on Dorothy’s 21st birthday and they married at the age of 23.

In all this time Dorothy kept her Guide and Youth work going and after they were married Ken too became a youth leader.

Dorothy went on to become the Guide Commissioner and met the Queen at Elland Road. All the Brownies and Guides were in the stands and Dorothy along with other Commissioners and group leaders were on the pitch to meet the Queen. Dorothy shook hands with her that day.

Dorothy also went to Buckingham Palace garden party on two occasions to celebrate the time and work she had done as a Commissioner for the Guides. Dorothy’s daughter also went to one garden party as she had won an award from the Queen.