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#555 Michael Best Laughing off the loss

Photo of Michael Best
So he raced off and he left the bottle on the train.

Michael Best

We used to have parliamentary candidates and they used to come for interviews. We got this guy - he were already a counsellor for Lambeth, in London, and he wanted to be our parliamentary candidate for Leeds West. He used to tell us stories - and I think it was Major who was there at the time, he was in power.

In the Houses of Parliament, they’d have something with chains on it, like a crest or something, to show it came from the Houses of Parliament. So he got this expensive bottle of whiskey and it had this crest on it, came out of the Houses of Parliament, and he got it signed by John Major.

And he took it with him and he caught the train. He fell asleep I believe, and his stop was a few stops back – it’d gone past his stop. So he raced off and he left the bottle on the train.

So he sort of laughed it off, that whoever sees it will have thought that the signature wouldn’t be the real one!


A tale of loss and laughter