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#551 Diana Al-Saadi Life is one big theatre

Diana Al-Saadi

The World is But a Stage

Yes, life is one big theatre!

And WHY is that you ask?

Crazy Comedy, Terrible Tragedy, Crooked Crime, Family Farces, Musical Madness and last but not least, PANTO!

May we choose to attend these Hallowed Halls? Sit in the Stalls or the ‘Gods’? Be a ticket seller or usher?

Perhaps the best place of all is up on stage: an actor, producer, director, make-up artist, lighting tech, wardrobe mistress or the call boy?

Where/ Who will you be? 

What/ When will you choose? 

Which/ Why is your choice? OR IS IT?

Are we assigned a part while waiting to be delivered?



life is one big theatre!