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#544 Margaret and Danny Scott Make Me An Offer

Photo of Margaret and Danny Scott

Margaret and Danny Scott

He’d had his hand in the till. He said to do a project. I think it was a kitchen or something and he was going to pay it back. Unlucky for him, you get an audit every so often and they just appear at the door and he got an audit and he was four thousand pounds down. He was a right quiet man. I couldn’t believe he’d do anything like that, he was such a quiet and nice man. And he broke down and said to us “I took this money, make me an offer”. 

What do you do? Forty five thousand for it. So we were cheeky and said twenty-eight? And he said “Yeah, that’s what I paid for it.”

So I said, "Well, I don’t like the place," and you said, “Well, we’ll just do a few year, we can’t not at this price” and twenty nine year later we are still there.
