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#538 Chris Hoy Growing Older

Chris Hoy

I don't feel at all like an OAP in the slightest! All my family are like this, we all stay active. My Mum was dating and having big adventures all her life! My nan was playing bowls until she dropped down dead! I think for the next generation this would be seen as OK but in my Mum's generation it wasn't seen as so normal for women to keep living life to the full all the way through.

I don't think enough space is given to older people in society. There's very low expectations of you and then there's all the changing complex systems and use of tech - it used to be so easy to do things, you just picked up a phone, now it feels impossible to just get involved, how do you make connections, how do you find out where to go when you want to do something?

Old age is seen as negative. Why? I'm not sure- I'm me! I don't really feel any different inside. Actually I like the word POWERFUL.