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#536 Anonymous Embracing Age


My grandchildren like to remind me of how old I am​. ​ ​They say​ Nana isn’t it time that you retired​,​ and isn’t it time that you stop doing all these things​?​ A lot of my family do not see me as an old lady. That feels good. They care and they want to protect me and a lot of it is ​banter - ​we just have fun.

I really enjoy my age and it’s something I feel very proud of. I like growing older but still being able to do the things that I want to do​,​ that I choose to do​. I'll be 77 in November this year​. I'm in a book club and we're reading about ​social justice ​​within Christianity and we are looking at prejudice and racism within the Christian world.

I don’t really like the word elderly​, ​ elders is more of a respected term​ and I ​prefer it.