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#519 Roy Archer An Important Lesson

Photo of Roy Archer
I was lonely when I first came here

Roy Archer

I moved in here last year after living in the flats opposite for ten years. I was lonely when I first came here and I wouldn’t speak to anyone. People would say “how are you, are you alright?”. And that would be it. I wouldn’t say it back. People would say “Don’t talk to him, he’s miserable.” I was on my own. I thought I’ve got to change because otherwise I’m going to be a lonely man.

So I did. Now I come down and talk to people down here. When the ladies come in, I go over and say “are you alright ladies” and wheel them in. It’s the best thing I ever did coming here. They are that friendly.


Roy learnt that he would have to change if things were going to get better