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#476 “John Black” Leeds saved me

Photo of “John Black”
I came into Leeds because I had a marriage break up.

“John Black”

I came into Leeds because I had a marriage break up. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to sleep, nothing. The Crypt in Leeds helped me out. They've been really wonderful with me over the years. It took me a long time to get sorted out. It was my fault the marriage broke up. I realised that Leeds was the place to come. I didn't actually like Leeds at the beginning. I come from a small town called Huddersfield whereas Leeds city had all the cars, all the traffic. But through the years people in Leeds and all these self help organisations have helped me to get where I am. I'd be lost without the people in Leeds past and present who've helped me. I owe my life to people in Leeds


The organisations in Leeds that saved “Johns” life.