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#455 Tony Encounter

By sheer coincidence we bumped into each other in the park and went off for coffee and lunch and thought it was a very sort of brief encounter.


When you get around Geneva one of the easiest ways to get around because of the lake is by ferry, and they tend not to go up and down the lake but across, so to get half way down the lake you might need three ferry journeys, zig zagging across the lake.

And I got talking on one of these trips to this lady sat beside me on the previous ferry. Turns out she worked for the UN. And we were both heading down that end of the lake and she got off at the same place as I did. She was going to the UN I was going to have a look around one of the parks in the grounds of the UN. Then later on by sheer coincidence we bumped into each other in the park and went off for coffee and lunch and thought it was a very sort of brief encounter.
