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#454 Sharon Is someone watching you?

I turned around and I was fully in front of the barbers.


So it was last weekend and I decided I needed to go get a gift for someone so I thought I’m quite near Horsforth, I’ll go to Horsforth and get it. It's a place that I'm familiar with it but not massively familiar, so you know, you don't know where every shop is and where everything is.

So I was was walking along Horsforth town street to the top and I looked down and my lace was coming undone on my shoe. So I thought before it’s fully undone and I fall over I’d better bend down and tie it. So basically I sort of looked to the side and through oh its just a house wall so I turned myself so my back was to the house wall and bent down, bottom out stuck out tying my shoe lace. And then you know when you get the feeling as if someone is looking at you - I turned around and I was fully in front of the barbers.
