It was a very enjoyable incident. Every time I remember it, I enjoy it myself.
Hamid Ahmad
I used to work on buses in the late 60s and early 70s.
I went for the driving test on the buses and I failed. Then I had a second chance to pass the driving test on buses. I failed. I went third time and I failed again. Anyway, then I left the buses, and I went on railways for 15-20 years. I used to work on ticket barriers at Leeds and one day a group of four or five members of a family came to my barriers to catch the train.
While I was checking their tickets, I recognise one of the male members of the family and I call his name 'Hello, Mr. Smith.' The family members were surprised, and they asked, 'How do you know him?' I said 'I can't forget him. He failed me three times when I was on buses.’ And there was a big laugh among the family.
It was a very enjoyable incident. Every time I remember it, I enjoy it myself.