I have loved every minute of being a volunteer and hope that I have a few walks in me yet.
John Best
I retired from paid employment on my 65th birthday and volunteered as a helper with the Cross Gates Good Neighbours Scheme. The scheme at that time was fairly new and only had a manager and a group of faithful volunteers.
I was told that they were just starting a walking group, and as I loved walking and had always been an active member of a walking club, I volunteered to get involved with this. I did not expect then that nearly 19 years later, with 94 walks of between 3 and 4.5 miles written out and risk assessed, that I would still be involved. Some walks are local, but others use the mini-bus, train, or service bus. The number of walks we have mean we do not have to repeat a walk in the period of a year.
I soon found out when walking with the elderly, you can get a little unpopular. For example, you are in trouble if you say a walk is flat and a small hill is found – and heaven help you if you say there are two stiles and the group find three. And as for mud in winter!
I have loved every minute of being a volunteer and hope that I have a few walks in me yet.