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#365 Roger Harington I'm Going Home

My body stays on earth, but my soul is going home.

Roger Harington

Singing: "I’m going home to meet my saviour, I’m going home no more to roam

I’m just going over Jordan, I’m just going over home”

And that’s what I used to believe.

When I die, I said, my body will be in the grave, but my soul will be with God

My body stays on earth, but my soul is going home.

I don’t believe this anymore.

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Earth to earth and we stay in the earth.

No soul or spirit to continue the journey. That’s it. The end.

Yes, that sometimes feels depressing.

In fact from time to time spirit-crushing.

But I am the produce of the earth so I will try to learn from the earth

The earth must endure the winter, but it does not surrender to death.

Even when frost and snow invade the earth it is not dead but biding its time

Waiting to pounce and astonish the dead land with Spring.

I don’t believe there’ll be any kind of Spring for my dead body.

But I will still celebrate the creative energy of Spring.

The astonishing resilience of the earth

I will still celebrate the abundant beauty of the earth.

The beauty of the trees, the flowers, and the fruit.

The beauty of the seas and lakes and moors and mountains.

The beauty of music, friendship, and love.

The beauty of all the good and great achievements of humankind.

My tiny part in this great pageant will soon end.

I’m sad. But I celebrate. And I accept.

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I’ll still be a part of this glorious earth.

So, when I die…

Singing: “I’m just going over home.”