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#362 Jayne Swimming

The ripples of the water and shapes crack through to the top of the water surface.


The movement and flow of water keep me swimming. I don't remember a time when I have not had a day where I don't think about swimming.

I enjoy the motion through the water especially the breathing techniques. The challenge of improving my speed keeps me young. It is like trying to keep your youth through the fountain of the water.

I see the light and patterns at the bottom of the pool made by my interaction with the water and the sun. The ripples of the water and shapes crack through to the top of the water surface.

My world is at peace when I float through and swim on the surface of the water.

My ensemble consists of a skinny strapped costume, a pink swim hat with the letters LIF (which means last is fast) and my prescription goggles with a purple head strap.

The pace clock is standing on the side next to the swimming schedule for another fitness session of around 2500 metres split by a warm-up, drills, sprints and distance swimming followed by a cool down. The flow of endorphins makes it all worthwhile getting up at 5:00 in the morning and start swimming with like minded people at 6:00. I would not have it any other way.

The prescription goggles help me see where I am going. The wall is never far away after 15 strokes of front crawl. I am ready for my tumble turn and then all of a sudden my friend Ann is saying to me "Jayne everything will be alright, your brain has just had a spark" Ann was repeating this several times and giving me other instructions that I was not aware of.

It transpired that I was having a Transient Global Amnesia Episode (TGA). My brain had decided that enough was enough so it decided to stop recording everything that was happening in that moment. I have no record of what happened in the last fifteen minutes of a swimming session on the 11th August 2021 which was my last day of employment.